The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Breaking Health News About Achilles Tendinitis

Debra Murray

  Achilles tendinitis is an injury resulting from overusing the tendon, which is the band of tissue connecting the calf muscles running along the back part of the lower leg to that of the heel bone. It commonly occurs in those who are runners that have suddenly increased the duration or intensity of their runs. It’s also increased in those who are middle-aged individuals who play in sports, such as basketball or tennis.    Most cases of Achilles tendinitis are easily treated with simple, at-home care. Self-care strategies are imperative at preventing any recurring episodes of the condition. Some of the...

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Simple Health Tips for Achilles Tendonitis

Debra Murray

Swelling of the Tendon  Individuals experiencing constant ankle and foot pain will have difficulties with everyday mobility. Achilles tendonitis frequently occurs to people over the age of 50 due to wear and tear on the joints in the foot and ankle. Physicians commonly diagnose the condition in patients who have overused the Achilles tendon while exercising. In many cases, an athlete injures the tendon severely with a small tear while lunging during a sport activity, such as rock climbing. If you have discomfort or swelling in the tissue near the heel or foot, then you need an examination to determine...

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How To Correctly Stretch Before Your Run

Debra Murray

How to Correctly Warm-Up Before Your Run  One of the fastest ways to get injured from running is to not stretch properly beforehand. The muscles are already tight, and running makes them tighten up even more, which puts runners at risk for muscle and joint damage. However, the stretches that are done have to be “dynamic.” Dynamic stretches mimic the moves of running. Some of the old stretches that were used are called “static.” They loosened and pulled the muscle into an elongated position. Static stretches increase the chances of injury because the muscle isn't warmed up enough to be...

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