A forest of very tall trees growing up to a blue sky with some clouds


Emu Therapy carries products that are an extension of our philosophy to use what nature provides for the benefit of people in a responsible way. For a simple statement, that sets up a big challenge! We love natural ingredients, especially the herbs, oils, and botanicals that have always been a critical part of products developed under the Blue Stuff and BLUESPRING brands. Emu Therapy and the new Argan Therapy brand continue the commitment to harness the power and magic of nature in products that provide benefits without negative effects for the user. However, there is more to being truly "natural" than including the right ingredients. Every product manufactured, every container filled, and every order shipped out the door impacts the world around us, too. So what can we do?


Emu Therapy is relying on our partnership with EcoCart, a carbon-offset project resource, to allow our customers to add just a few cents to their orders and offset the carbon footprint from manufacturing to packaging and ultimately shipping to their doors. EcoCart certifies and supports projects in sensitive areas of the world that both protect the natural landscape that traps and offsets carbon dioxide emissions as well as benefits the local communities by employing people to work on the projects. Side benefits often include protecting endangered animal species and fighting corruption or illegal enterprises that capitalize on lack of enforcement to destroy natural resources for personal gain. These projects exemplify Emu Therapy's philosophy by utilizing nature, benefitting people, and remaining responsible in how both are done.


In addition to partnering with businesses to offer carbon offsets to customers, EcoCart has a web browser plugin and tools to help consumers find stores that support their priorities of preserving nature and protecting life on Earth.


Emu Therapy thanks you for doing your part to value the natural world in the products you buy and in recognizing what impacts those products have. Together, we can all make a big difference in the world at large and ensure that our children and grandchildren have the same opportunities to enjoy the fruits of nature responsibly!