The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Weathered Skin

Marki-MaCaulie White

Nature's Rejuvenation: The Secret to Weathered Skin Reimagined   In the intricate tapestry of life, our skin often mirrors the journey we've undertaken – resilient, weathered, and marked by the passage of time. As we age, the external manifestations of our experiences become etched on our skin, creating a unique story that deserves to be celebrated. Still, in the effort to age gracefully, we don’t have to accept every wrinkle, every imperfection, as it comes to us. There are tools available to us that can reveal the beauty at the heart of our story while smoothing the details. In this...

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Debra Murray

Walk Your Way to a Healthier Life   When it comes to exercise, it’s easy to come up with excuses to stay in front of the TV. Running is hard on the joints, plus you can get cramps in your sides. Pilates can be expensive. Swimming, well who wants to get wet? But walking? It’s easy on the joints, you can do it inside, and there is no cost. Plus, the health benefits of walking are immense.    A study conducted by the University of Tennessee found women who walk regularly had less body fat than those who did not....

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Debra Murray

Smoothing the Crease: A Deeper Understanding of Wrinkles    Throughout humanity, we've fought wars, conquered dictators and accessed the power of herbs to heal ailments and prolong life. Unlike the wars of bygone eras, there's a single battle we've yet to overcome – aging. More specifically, the onset and progression of facial wrinkles.     The hunt for a magical salve capable of preventing and treating wrinkles spans thousands of years across the globe. Some of the earliest known records of anti-wrinkle treatments date back to ancient Egyptian empires where creams and oils were used to protect and heal the skin.    As...

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