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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Simple Health Tips for Managing Pain While Traveling

Debra Murray

  The effects of flying and driving for long hours can make anyone feel stiff and sore. Back pain is the most prevalent problem for many travelers. Traveling can especially be a pain if you already have circulation problems, back pain or arthritis. If you take the time to consider these basic travel tips before disembarking on your next long journey you can minimize those aches and pains by a marginal amount.   Only Use Shoes That You Know You Can Rely On Comfortable shoes are vital for people who are flying. It's tempting to go for the cute or...

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Dangers of Aching, Painful Feet

Debra Murray

Aches and pains are things that accompany the aging process. They may be a result of some previous injury or they can come from continued wear on your body, but they can be more than an annoyance regardless of the cause. One of the most common types of pains involves aching feet, but few people know the side effects that painful feet can have on their health.   The Effect of Pain on Your Body   Pain is used as a warning that something isn't right within your body. Usually it's the easiest and fastest way for you to realize...

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Health Tips for Restless Legs

Debra Murray

Restless leg syndrome causes an extreme urge for those affected to move their legs, especially at night. This often leads to difficulty in sleeping and daytime drowsiness. However, lack of sleep may not be the worst of the effects caused by this condition. Research is showing that those who suffer from restless leg syndrome have an increased risk of developing heart disease, as well as an increased risk of early death.   A study by Mayo Clinic found that those with more severe cases of restless leg syndrome, meaning that the legs twitch more than 35 times per hour, were...

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Preserve Your Skin As You Age

Debra Murray

As most people know, getting older comes with its own set of nuances. The body starts to ache a little more when rolling out of bed, hair turns a different color than what it used to be, and of course those dreaded wrinkles begin lining the face like a map. While some things are just inevitable, in the case of wrinkles no one needs to settle for less than beautiful and healthy looking skin.   The Problem with Wrinkles To better understand how to fix the wrinkle problem, it’s also important to know why they happen in the first place....

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Avoid Wrinkles With Pure Prime Emu Oil

Debra Murray

  As most people know, getting older comes with its own set of nuances. The body starts to ache a little more when rolling out of bed, hair turns a different color than what it used to be, and of course those dreaded wrinkles begin lining the face like a map. While some things are just inevitable, in the case of wrinkles, no one needs to settle for less than beautiful and healthy looking skin.    The Problem with Wrinkles To better understand how to fix the wrinkle problem, it’s also important to know why they happen in the first place. It’s a very...

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Medications and Drugs May Age Your Skin

Debra Murray

  Medications and Drugs Many medicines have a side effect of drying out and aging of the skin. These include drugs for:   High blood pressure, like diuretics Allergies, like antihistamines Acne and other skin conditions, like retinoids   If you experience dry skin and you believe your medicine may be the cause, talk to your doctor about alternatives. It may be that changing the dose is all you need.   Medical Conditions Dry and aging skin is usually caused by external factors; however, it can be a sign of either a natural physiologic change or an illness.   Aging is a natural...

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Health Tips for Fibromyalgia Pain

Debra Murray

  Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that causes chronic widespread pain and tenderness on different points of the body. Although there is no known cure, there are several things that a patient can do to help relieve the symptoms. Sleep Because one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia is chronic fatigue, getting enough sleep is essential. To do this you should practice good sleeping habits. Develop a sleep schedule and stick to it. Try to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep a night.For a better night's rest, avoid napping during the daytime. Avoid Stress This doesn't mean that you have to quit your job....

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Ease the Pain of Fibromyalgia

Debra Murray

Anyone who deals with the pain of fibromyalgia understands how debilitating and frustrating it can be. This condition involves pervasive pain throughout the body. Chronic in nature, it can flare up, intensifying with certain triggers, easing at other times. Inflammation is believed to be at the heart of this disorder, yet a definite cause is still unknown. Those who suffer can take heart. Lifestyle changes can help to ease their pain. Adequate rest is essential A good night's sleep is absolutely vital for anyone who has fibromyalgia. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more stress levels. This then results in more inflammation,...

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The Relationship Between Arthritis and Fibromyalgia

Debra Murray

If you are one of the unlucky people to suffer from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or a combination of both, you know how difficult it can be to face each day that is filled with pain. If you have been recently diagnosed, or suspect that this could be your problem, you'll want to see a specialist and pinpoint exactly what is causing your pain.   You might be surprised to find that arthritis and fibromyalgia are related.   Fibromyalgia and Arthritis: Making the Connection Arthritis is associated with aging. However, it can strike at any age and is caused by inflammation of the joints. This inflammation...

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Breaking Health News on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Debra Murray

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) primarily affects people who work with their hands frequently. Though it can affect any person within any age group and demographic, CTS primarily affects middle-aged people. The reason for that is because the body's natural immune system has already weakened, making it harder for a person's body to fight inflammation and any deviation from normal body function, which is the case with CTS.     What causes CTS? Many things can cause CTS. However, recent research studies found that it was hard to directly pinpoint physical causes of CTS due to lack of pure evidence. Nevertheless, when everything is simplified,...

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Simple Health Tips for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Debra Murray

  Simple Health Tips for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) According to US Federal government statistics, an estimated 50 million adults in the United States have reported being told by a doctor that they have some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia. That number is astounding when you consider the effects of arthritis. Some forms of arthritis develop as a result of other underlying issues. One of those issues is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). If left untreated, CTS can cause permanent nerve damage, resulting in a  loss of function and feeling. Additionally, it can cause rheumatoid arthritis.     Cause of CTS CTS is...

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Natural Ingredients Can Safely Manage Pain

Debra Murray

Pain is an unfortunate companion for most people with the passing years. If you find yourself dealing with daily aches and pains, from arthritis to stiffness or residual soreness from old injuries, you know how difficult it can be to face each day.   You wake up each morning and the pain is there, often at its worst at this time of the day. You finally get yourself going, ready to take on your normal routine, when pain slows you down. As night approaches, pain is often with you once more, making it hard to get a badly needed rest. Fortunately, there are steps you...

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Simple Health Tips For When Pain Is Tougher Than Usual

Debra Murray

You've come to accept the fact that pain comes with aging. As the years advance, there is more wear and tear on the body. Arthritis, bones that have been broken in the past and daily aches are par for the course as we age. However, sometimes the pain will be worse, getting in the way of your everyday life. When the pain is tougher than usual, here are some helpful tips to keep you on your feet and moving.   Avoid Strain When your body is protesting, listen to it and don't overdo. While it's understandable that you have things to do, there will...

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How To Manage Inconsistent Pain

Debra Murray

Pain Is Inconsistent But Can Be Managed Most days, you still feel like a teenager in your mind. You wake up, ready to get up and go, and excited to face the day. You're headed toward your retirement years and plan on making the most of them. There's only one problem. Your body has to keep reminding you that you are not as young as you used to be. You often find yourself struggling with daily aches and pains. Some days are better than others, but the pain is there and your body doesn't want to move as easily as it used to. This especially...

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Your Pain Is Yours Uniquely

Debra Murray

Your Pain is Yours Uniquely, No One Else Has It   When my father invented Blue Stuff in the 1990’s, customers flocked to his door. He found that it worked on all kinds of pain, and sadly the list is long.   Since he was an inventor, he loved to experiment. This resulted in several different versions of Super Blue Stuff over the years. When I became involved in customer service I struggled for an answer of how to please all of his customers who sometimes wanted different versions of Blue Stuff.   So we embarked on an extensive research...

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Know the Side Effects of Pain Relieving Drugs

Debra Murray

Nonsteroidal prescription and nonprescription anti-inflammatory drugs all have side effects that accumulate affecting the stomach, liver, and kidneys. They also can affect the cardiovascular system, potentially leading to heart attacks, and are not designed for long-term use. But newer and more promising drugs are often expensive and can also produce questionable side effects.   Understand the ingredients in common topical products The bizarre death of a New York City high school track star from a muscle pain cream overdose earlier in 2011 raised a red flag on the hazards of overusing common over-the-counter medications containing methyl salicylate.   An aspirin-like...

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Safe, Natural, Herbal Alternatives Relieve Pain & Treat Skin Conditions

Debra Murray

Many people are looking for safe, natural alternatives to relieve joint pain, arthritis pain, muscle pain, backaches, sprains, strains, bruises, and pain from headaches. And they are finding the answer with BLUESPRING brand topical and herbal remedies provided by Emu Therapy. We also provide products for facial care, body care, and foot care. These natural lotions aid in keeping skin looking youthful by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, liver spots and sun spots. All without toxic affects to the body.   Emu Therapy products are derived from natural ingredients and the testimonials of the results speak for themselves. With no risk and complete...

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Beware the Risks of OTC Drugs

Debra Murray

Questions You Need to Ask (and the Answers) When we are in pain and seek relief we usually do not question the doctor’s advice. We usually take the prescribed drugs or medications as dutifully as a well-trained dog. Patients are paying the price for this blind allegiance resulting in serious side effects, dangerous for some.   Read the warnings Everyday there are advertisements broadcast on television about the serious side effects of some prescribed drugs that make many wonder if they would be better off without that drug ingested into their bodies.   And there are other advertisements advocating lawsuits...

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Ease the Discomfort of Restless Leg Syndrome

Debra Murray

Almost one out of every eight men and women over the age of 50 experiences an annoying condition known as Restless Leg Syndrome. The symptoms include an uncomfortable feeling of achiness as well as a sensation of hundreds of pin picks attacking the legs whenever the individual is sitting at rest or lying down. Restless Leg Syndrome makes it almost impossible to get a restful night's sleep. In addition, Restless Leg Syndrome interferes with an individual's comfort and mobility level and can lead to chronic fatigue and irritability. There are a number of simple health tips to alleviate the pain...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Neuropathy

Debra Murray

What is Neuropathy?Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage. It can cause a number of symptoms, including persistent burning pain, numbness, tingling and muscle weakness.Neuropathy is generally a symptom of some other, underlying cause. Most commonly, neuropathy is caused by Type II diabetes. However, the condition can also be caused by traumatic injuries, infections such as Lyme disease and exposure to environmental toxins.The nerve damage associated with neuropathy is generally concentrated in the hands and feet. However, it can appear anywhere in the body. What are the Symptoms of Neuropathy?The symptoms of this condition tend to be highly variable, depending...

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