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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Drug Store Pain Pills Can Increase High Blood Pressure

Debra Murray

  For the most part, medications available for purchase at stores are safe for most people to use moderately when necessary. However, it appears that taking over-the-counter pain relievers can raise blood pressure. Even persons who have normal blood pressure levels can experience an increase when using non-prescription pain remedies, but the effect can be dangerous for those who are already diagnosed with high blood pressure issues.    The Common Cure Over-the-counter pain relievers are the most commonly used medications that can be purchased at nearly any store. They are taken for a variety of reasons, including fever reduction and for relief of...

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Simple Health Tips to Ease and Avoid Bursitis

Debra Murray

  Bursae are sacs that are filled with fluid; these sacs are found all over the body. They provide the necessary cushioning and lubrication that muscles, bones, and tendons need in areas where they move across each other. Bursitis is a painful condition where the bursae are inflamed or damaged, thus causing pain. In order to ease the pain of bursitis and to prevent it altogether, there are several steps you can take.    Bursitis and arthritis may be hard to differentiate. In addition, arthritis often leads to bursitis. Super Blue Stuff OTC and Super White Stuff OTC are approved for both arthritis and muscle...

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How to Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Debra Murray

  Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The immune system of RA sufferers mistakenly attacks healthy tissue, and this includes the membrane that covers the body’s joints. The initial result is usually pain, swelling and warmth of all affected areas. Some people run a fever during a flare up and feel generally run down.    Rheumatoid arthritis should be diagnosed quickly so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. This helps prevent future complications. After your diagnosis, you have several options for treating the pain both via your physician and at home.    Oral Medications    Your doctor may...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Debra Murray

    Carpal tunnel syndrome, or CTS, is a wrist condition that afflicts between 2 and 3 percent of all men and women at some point during their lifetimes. It is slightly more common in women and most prevalent in women over 55. The hormonal changes during pregnancy and the onset of menopause often signal the development of CTS.    The Anatomy of CTS  Located within the wrist is a ligamentous structure called the carpal tunnel. The carpal nerve runs through the carpal tunnel. When the soft tissue adjacent to the tunnel becomes inflamed or there is too much fluid in the surrounding wrist tissue, it places pressure on the carpal tunnel. This, in turn, exerts pressure...

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Dangers of Frozen Shoulder

Debra Murray

  Adhesive capsulitis causes pain, stiffness and limited movement in the shoulder joint. The tissues surrounding the joint become stiff, movement in the shoulder becomes painful and difficult and scar tissue forms. Most of the time, the condition occurs slowly, but then, it also goes away slowly over a period of several months or more.   The condition can develop whenever you stop using the joint due to an injury, pain or other chronic health condition. Any type of problem with the shoulder can lead to adhesive capsulitis if you don’t work on maintaining full movement in the joint.  ...

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Breaking Health News on Painful Fingers and Hands

Debra Murray

People who suffer from thumb arthritis may be treated using a variety of methods. As the condition worsens, it may become increasingly difficult to manage the condition using conventional means. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required to treat the problem. New research shows that thumb arthritis is becoming increasingly more common among baby boomers.    Women More at Risk for Thumb Arthritis  Arthritis affects 27 million Americans in the United States. An estimated 8 percent of the population suffers from thumb arthritis, the second most common form of arthritis affecting the hand. In women, 50 percent of the population...

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Simple Health Tips for Arthritis

Debra Murray

  If you suffer with osteoarthritis you are forced to live with stiff, painful, swollen joints every day. This form of arthritis often affects the hips, knees and hands. Natural topical pain relief medications can be lifesavers as they help manage inflammation and pain. When these medications are combined with healthy lifestyle choices, it can make living with arthritis more bearable.   Get Active Regular exercise can help your joints stay flexible, increase mobility and reduce pain. Swimming, water aerobics, stationary biking, Pilates and yoga are ideal choices for arthritis sufferers as they are low impact and they don't put...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Inflammatory Arthritis - Spondyloarthritis

Debra Murray

  Spondyloarthritis is a net term for all of the inflammatory diseases responsible for causing arthritis. They are hereditary and symptoms can begin to appear as early as the teen years. However, you don't have to be related to someone with the disease to develop it, and males are 2-3 times more likely to be diagnosed with spondyloarthritis than females.   These types of arthritis affect the spine and can manifest as pain, swelling and stiffness in various parts of the body. The most common symptom is lower back pain due to inflammation of the spine, but the patient can...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Sprains and Strains

Debra Murray

  Everyone has heard the medical axiom that strains and sprains can be worse than breaks. This is true primarily because when the body experiences a bone break the affected area of the body becomes immobile. With strains and sprains, pain is present, but extensive damage can be done because the body is still able to flex, bend and move. Movement of an injured area can result in great internal damage and possible irreversible harm.   Whereas breaks and tears are obvious, sprains and strains are not. Bones and muscles are joined through complex rubbery ligaments and tendons that allow...

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HealthStyle: Athlete – How YOU can live an Athletic Life

Katie Hightower

Did you know that you don’t have to live your life one buzzer beater at a time to live an athletic lifestyle? Being an athlete is simply the act of choosing to live an active, healthy life.   Characteristics of an athlete: Proper Nutrition Dedication to Practice Achieving Enough Rest Nurturing the Body   If you fulfill these characteristics, then you are already embracing the HealthStyle of an athlete!   Nutrition For athletes of any age, one of the most important focus factors is maintaining balanced and healthy nutrition. If you are involved in an endurance activity like cross-country skiing...

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HealthStyle: Olympian

Katie Hightower

            Olympians are considered to be the most elite athletes in the world. They train for years to sharpen their skills in order to compete amongst the best in the world. As you watch the Winter and Summer Olympics, you may find yourself thinking, “I wish I could do that. I wish I could be that athletic or that talented.” And guess what? You can be. Olympians are just like you. Are you ready to embrace the Olympic HealthStyle?               Olympians focus on their training in three different areas: physical training, nutrition and recovery. In order to train like...

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HealthStyle: Beginner

Katie Hightower

    Embarking on a new journey can be overwhelming. You know that you want to make a change, but there are so many options and opinions that you can lose track of your original thought process. Finding the answers to the how, when and where can be the hardest part of the entire adventure! Luckily, Emu Therapy is here to help guide you as you begin your new HealthStyle!   Are you ready to get active and healthy? It can be especially beneficial to try out several different activities to find out what makes getting fit fun for you....

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Five Ways to Prevent Muscle Pain

Debra Murray

Pulling or straining a muscle is easier than most people think. It can happen to the fittest athletes and even the most limber young children, not just older adults. This type of injury can take some time to heal, which reduces the ability to exercise in the meantime. Luckily, muscle pain can be prevented by using the following five easy tips:     Don't Forget to Stretch    It is a good idea to stretch before performing any physical tasks, such as moving boxes in the garage or mowing the lawn. It might seem silly, but it will warm the muscles up,...

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The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Pain Medication - INFOGRAPHIC

Debra Murray

  It cannot be denied that over-the-counter pain medications are convenient. No doctor trips required. No prescriptions needed. These drugs can be found in almost any drugstore or supermarket. However, the most convenient option does not always mean the safest option. Below, you’ll find a list of the dangers that are associated with over-the-counter pain medications along with some replacement natural remedies.   The Effect on Your Heart The improper use of ibuprofen blocks two important enzymes. Blocking these enzymes causes a gradual increase in blood pressure, which in turn causes inflammation and pain. Ibuprofen is actually associated with a...

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How To Correctly Stretch Before Your Run

Debra Murray

How to Correctly Warm-Up Before Your Run  One of the fastest ways to get injured from running is to not stretch properly beforehand. The muscles are already tight, and running makes them tighten up even more, which puts runners at risk for muscle and joint damage. However, the stretches that are done have to be “dynamic.” Dynamic stretches mimic the moves of running. Some of the old stretches that were used are called “static.” They loosened and pulled the muscle into an elongated position. Static stretches increase the chances of injury because the muscle isn't warmed up enough to be...

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The Most Common Causes of Joint Pain

Debra Murray

  The joints act as connectors to all the bones of the body. Their job is to allow a person to move easily. Joints get a lot of use as a person ages, so they have to be tough, but they aren't impermeable to disease or injury. The most common sign that there is something wrong with one of the joints is pain. It can be caused by many medical conditions, but the following are some of the most common ones that occur:    Rheumatoid Arthritis  This severe type of arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is extremely painful. The...

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Common Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Debra Murray

 Pain The types of pain that is associated with this disease can vary. Sometimes, it is felt deep in the bones and muscles, which makes movement and exercise very difficult. Other times, the pain is more topical and localized. A person may also feel like their skin hurts if it is touched too roughly. Over the counter topical pain relief creams can help with these symptoms though, and they aren't addicting like many pain relief pills.   Fatigue One of the most difficult aspects of fibromyalgia is the way that it causes crushing fatigue in those who suffer from...

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How to Cope With Chronic Pain

Debra Murray

Chronic pain is different than the mild, fleeting type that comes from stubbing a toe or bumping into a sharp corner. It lasts for years, which has a huge impact on a person's emotional and physical well-being. Luckily, there are some ways to help a person cope with the discomfort.    Use Stress Management Techniques  Debilitating pain that makes day-to-day tasks difficult to accomplish often causes depression and anxiety if a person doesn't have a way to deal with the stress. Meditation can help to get the negative feelings associated with this condition under control. It works by training a...

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Why You Should Not Ignore Joint or Muscle Pain

Debra Murray

Most pain disappears after a person rests and takes it easy for a short while, so it can be a little alarming when the pain lingers on for months at a time. Pain is the body's way of letting someone know that there something is wrong. It is like a defense mechanism to persuade a person to seek medical help, especially when it occurs in the muscles and joints. Read on for a list of four reasons why you should never ignore pain.    A Sign of a Hidden Injury  Some injuries are not visible from outside of the body....

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