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Health Tips for Fibromyalgia Pain

Debra Murray

  Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that causes chronic widespread pain and tenderness on different points of the body. Although there is no known cure, there are several things that a patient can do to help relieve the symptoms. Sleep Because one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia is chronic fatigue, getting enough sleep is essential. To do this you should practice good sleeping habits. Develop a sleep schedule and stick to it. Try to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep a night.For a better night's rest, avoid napping during the daytime. Avoid Stress This doesn't mean that you have to quit your job....

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Ease the Pain of Fibromyalgia

Debra Murray

Anyone who deals with the pain of fibromyalgia understands how debilitating and frustrating it can be. This condition involves pervasive pain throughout the body. Chronic in nature, it can flare up, intensifying with certain triggers, easing at other times. Inflammation is believed to be at the heart of this disorder, yet a definite cause is still unknown. Those who suffer can take heart. Lifestyle changes can help to ease their pain. Adequate rest is essential A good night's sleep is absolutely vital for anyone who has fibromyalgia. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more stress levels. This then results in more inflammation,...

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The Relationship Between Arthritis and Fibromyalgia

Debra Murray

If you are one of the unlucky people to suffer from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or a combination of both, you know how difficult it can be to face each day that is filled with pain. If you have been recently diagnosed, or suspect that this could be your problem, you'll want to see a specialist and pinpoint exactly what is causing your pain.   You might be surprised to find that arthritis and fibromyalgia are related.   Fibromyalgia and Arthritis: Making the Connection Arthritis is associated with aging. However, it can strike at any age and is caused by inflammation of the joints. This inflammation...

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Simple Health Tips For When Pain Is Tougher Than Usual

Debra Murray

You've come to accept the fact that pain comes with aging. As the years advance, there is more wear and tear on the body. Arthritis, bones that have been broken in the past and daily aches are par for the course as we age. However, sometimes the pain will be worse, getting in the way of your everyday life. When the pain is tougher than usual, here are some helpful tips to keep you on your feet and moving.   Avoid Strain When your body is protesting, listen to it and don't overdo. While it's understandable that you have things to do, there will...

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Your Pain Is Yours Uniquely

Debra Murray

Your Pain is Yours Uniquely, No One Else Has It   When my father invented Blue Stuff in the 1990’s, customers flocked to his door. He found that it worked on all kinds of pain, and sadly the list is long.   Since he was an inventor, he loved to experiment. This resulted in several different versions of Super Blue Stuff over the years. When I became involved in customer service I struggled for an answer of how to please all of his customers who sometimes wanted different versions of Blue Stuff.   So we embarked on an extensive research...

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Simple Health Tips for Knee Pain

Debra Murray

Arthritis is a family of incurable musculoskeletal disorders. There are more than 100 different arthritis conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and connective tissues. These conditions cause pain and hinder physical movement.   The disease affects approximately 50 million adults and 300,000 children and it is actually the nation’s leading cause of disability. When you experience knee pain due to an injury damaged nerves in that area dispense chemical signals. Other nerves then send the signals to your brain which recognizes them as pain. Knee arthritis pain is caused by the following factors:   Inflammation in the joints. Damage to joint tissues caused...

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Hidden Secrets for Pain Relief

Debra Murray

If you read our product testimonials, you know why Emu Therapy brings you our booster line of pain relief products.   We want you to hear what customers are saying about ...   ... Arnica Cream Booster: I have been diagnosed minor meniscal tear on inside of left knee and equivalent of gout in knee. I tried the arnica cream on a lark and rubbed it in to affected area every morning. Within a week 95% of the pain and discomfort were gone and has stayed away. I am pleasantly surprised and very pleased.   Mike, Portland, Oregon   I immediately...

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